
This page provides information about getting started in Decentraland, and then visiting the Decentraland Conference Center.

For First Time Visitors

Here are some Getting Started in Decentraland instructions

Visiting the Conference Center

To visit the Decentraland Conference Center, click here, and you should arrive here at the main entrance:

Once you enter the main entrance gate and head north, you will see one of the many maps in the Conference Center. Note the spinning red “Your are here” indicator.

Here is a full map of the Conference Center, with links to various destinations.

Have fun! Enjoy your visit to the Conference Center.

If you would like to host an event in the Conference Center, or rent one of the offices, stores, or meeting facilities, or just have some questions to ask, please contact us.

Text and voice chat work fine in Decentraland. However, if for some reason you want to use Discord voice, such as to not chat over movies for eveyone in a scene, we have set up some voice channels in our own Discord Server that are dedicated to particular venues:

Venue URL:Discord Server Voice Channels:
Main Entrance#district-wide-voice
Unity Cafe#unity-cafe-voice
Meeting Center – North Room#mtg-ctr-north-room
Meeting Center – Middle Room #mtg-ctr-middle-room
Meeting Center – Expo Space #mtg-ctr-expo-space
Danann Amphitheater#Theater-Danann-voice
Athena Amphitheater#Theater Athena-voice
Grand Theater#grand-theater-voice
Star Cinema movie theater#star-cinema-voice
The Gallery#the-gallery-voice
Unity Museum#unity-museum-voice
Meditation Garden(private / silent)
Lotus Temple More about the temple#lotus-temple-voice
Discord Support district-wide text channel during events: