
Decentraland Conference Center Contributors Have Approved Our Startup Plan

To everyone involved in the Decentraland Conference Center,
It is with great joy that we announce that the Conference Center Startup Plan has been approved in the contributors recent vote.
520 Lands were voted, out of the 799 total contributed, or 66% turnout.
100% of the votes cast were for approval of the plan.
All of the votes had valid cryptography signatures.
And…. Decentraland has now accepted the vote results.
It is of interest to note that our use of a Google Form, including a field for a cryptographically signed approval message, turned out to be successfully executed by 100% of our voters. We were able to provide this collection of messages to Decentraland as proof of our vote. Although Decentraland is preparing a voting dApp, at least some additional small to medium sized districts could use this method if their leadership is well accepted by the community and they are ready for a vote before the dApp is completed.
Here is an excerpt from Ari Meilich’s email accepting the vote results:
This is amazing, truly impressed.
We ratify the voting as well, and extend our congratulations to your team for executing so professionally.  …having an exemplary success case will go a long way.
To our contributors, and especially those who took the time to vote carefully, a big thank you. We are grateful for all the encouragement and support you have shown.
As mentioned in the Startup Plan, we have incorporated as an LLC in the state of Wyoming in the US. We are now researching the very best way to structure the form of the organization to avoid any securities or other legal issues.  We will update our contributors when the best approach is clear.
Meanwhile, it is a joy to be able to begin focusing more on building the development team and the district prototype, so we can be really ready for a Grand Opening of the Conference Center when Decentraland opens to the public.
Thanks again for all the great support.
Carl Fravel

Two-Week Voting Period Starts Tonight for the Decentraland Conference Center Startup Plan

Decentraland Conference CenterVoting starts tonight,
3AM GMT May 15 = 11PM Eastern May 14.
The voting period runs for two weeks.

If you are a registered contributor to the Conference Center, you will find the link to the ballot at that time in the contributor-governance channel of the Decentraland Conference Center Discord server.

If you were a contributor but have not yet registered to vote you should do so now, before the vote is over, by going to:


Decentraland Conference Center Startup Plan Ratification Voting

Decentraland Conference CenterThe ratification vote for the Decentraland Conference Center Startup Plan begins at 3:00 AM GMT on May 15 (that would be 11PM Eastern Time or 8PM Pacific Time on May 14) and runs for 2 weeks.

If you were a land contributor, and have not already registered, please do so now, at:

You will then be given access to the Contributors channels in our Discord Server and be provided access to the Startup Plan and the Ballot.


Startup Plan published, vote begins soon, please register

The Startup Plan for the Conference Center has been published for those who contributed land to the Conference Center last year, in preparation for a vote on it.


If you were a land contributor, and have not already registered, please do so now, at:

You will then be given access to the Contributors channels in our Discord Server.


Leadership team for the Decentraland Conference Center assembled

The leadership team for the Decentraland Conference Center now consists of

  • Carl Fravel, District Leader and Chief Executive Officer
  • Ben Snipes, General Counsel
  • Lynette Wilson, Director of Operations and Marketing
  • Gretchen Krutz, Director of Design
  • Rob Dixon, Independent Board Member